学校内適応指導教室設置についての実践研究 : 不登校支援協力員からのヒアリング調査結果より


  • Practical Study on the Establishment of an Adaptation Classroom in School : The Results of an Interview Survey of Staff Providing Support for Students Exhibiting School Refusal
  • ガッコウ ナイ テキオウ シドウ キョウシツ セッチ ニ ツイテ ノ ジッセン ケンキュウ : フトウコウ シエン キョウリョクイン カラ ノ ヒアリング チョウサ ケッカ ヨリ





The prevalence of school refusal in the current educational climate is markedly high, posing a serious social problem. With the support of middle schools, the author has been expanding approaches to the reduction of school refusal using a "school counseling room" to simulate a simple "inschool adaptation classroom", and has been providing support for students to improve their social skills, by creating opportunities for contact with other school refusal students or their classmates, and by offering psychological counseling, while effectively utilizing human resources, including teachers and staff, to provide support for students exhibiting school refusal. An interview survey was conducted involving support staff engaged with students exhibiting school refusal at three middle schools where an "in-school adaptation classroom" was established, and the benefits and problems associated with this trial were examined. As a result, the benefits and problems of this use of an adaptation class in middle schools were clarified. The benefits were: "improvement of facial expression and conversation" and "rising attendance rate". The problems were: "necessity of support system for staff members engaged with school refusal students", "following rules and schedules in school"," provision of study support system" and "human resources".


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