Interaction between Second Language Acquisition and Chaos/Complexity Theory in the Movie-Using Classroom


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  • 映画を使った授業におけるSLA(第二言語獲得)と複雑系カオス理論の相互作用


Nowadays Chaos / Complexity Theory is widely accepted in almost all academic domains. In the field of second language acquisition (SLA) as well, this theory seems to provide a very useful framework, especially in relation to interlanguage (IL) . When you feel as if you had attained your target language, it has actually gone to the next stage. Even if this new theory couldn't solve all the problems of applied linguistics, it might offer you a very useful conceptual framework, considering that it has a number of characteristics similar to IL - that is, they are both (1) dynamic, (2) complex, (3) non-linear, (4) open and (5) distinctive. According to the results of the experimental projects this time, a group presentation using a movie turned out to be an efficient way of having students organize themselves into reaching the critical point where they will automatically begin to acquire English skills. In order to facilitate their getting to the edge of chaos or unpredictability, you should think about 5 dimensions of the movies you'd like to show them: (i) entertainment, (2) global issues, (3) students' relationship with the film star (s) , (4) artistic completion, and (5) language clarity. The teacher should not only lead students' fossilized interlanguage grammar to the edge of chaos by means of explicit instruction and negative feedback but also keep on giving them comprehensible input, mainly by explaining how to use the most important expressions in the movies they have taken up.


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