

  • Preface to “Recent advance in studies of the early solar system”
  • 特集 太陽系起源研究の新展開
  • トクシュウ タイヨウケイ キゲン ケンキュウ ノ シン テンカイ



This special issue of "Chikyu Kagaku" contains five papers from three sessions for cosmochemistry, "Cosmochemistry of extraterrestrial materials: From presolar history to early solar history", "Origin and evolution of Moon, Mars and small bodies in the solar system", and "Analytical technique, analytical organization and the scientific results of a new age of sample return mission", in the annual meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan 2008. The five papers cover several topics on formation of water molecules in circum stellar environments, noble gas compositions of individual chondrules, discovery of chondrules from a comet sample, new analytical technique of extraterrestrial organics, and advances of lunar science under the cosmochemical view. These papers should be helpful to understand the trends of current research subjects of cosmochemistry. We hope this special issue could act as useful media for the cosmochemical community and the new comers to this research field.


  • 地球化学

    地球化学 43 (4), 115-116, 2009


詳細情報 詳細情報について

