福島原発事故と地域の固有価値 : 福島県飯館村の被害を念頭に


  • フクシマ ゲンパツ ジコ ト チイキ ノ コユウ カチ フクシマケン イイタテムラ ノ ヒガイ オ ネントウ ニ
  • The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident and Regional Intrinsic Value Considering the Damege in Intate Village, Fukushima Prefecture



はじめに : 筆者はこれまで本誌上等で、福島原発事故)で避難住民がうけた被害の実態を、共同研究にもとづきあきらかにしてきた(大島・除本, 2012, 31-35, 44-68頁 ; 除本・土井, 2012 ; 除本・根本・土井, 2012 ; 丹波・除本・根本・土井, 2012等)。本稿の目的は、それらをふまえながら、政治経済学的な考察をさらに一歩前にすすめることである。……

This study aims to assess the damage and hardships of the evacuated residents due to the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident from the standpoint of intrinsic value theory. First, Section 1 begins with complaints of a resident compelled to leave behind his hometown, Iitate Village because of the accident. Further, the matter is assessed in depth, and the evaluation of the extent of hardships encountered by the evacuated residents is shown as a crisis of "intrinsic value" loss. Section 2 examines the relation between intrinsic and monetary values. Although intrinsic value by itself cannot be priced, it could also be seen as monetary value because of its universality. Based on the observations men tioned above, in Section 3 the measures to compensate and recover damages as "loss of hometown" of the evacuated residents are considered.


  • 経営研究

    経営研究 63 (3), 55-70, 2012-11


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