熊本県緑川の川原の石の教材研究 : 溶結凝灰岩を鍵にした小学校理科教材のリンク


  • A Study on the River Bed Gravel of Midori River in Kumamoto as Materials for Teaching Science,A Link between Elementary Science Teaching Materials with a Welded Tuff as a Key
  • クマモトケン ミドリカワ ノ カワラ ノ イシ ノ キョウザイ ケンキュウ : ヨウケツ ギョウカイガン オ カギ ニシタ ショウガッコウ リカ キョウザイ ノ リンク





The development of available teaching materials for a certain region has been one of the most important problems in geological area of science education. We investigated the river bed gravel of the Midori River in Kumamoto to develop some regional teaching materials of elementary science. As a result of investigations especially focusing on the welded tuff, we found its suitable properties for learning on “Function of running water” and “Change of the land by the volcano”. Children may learn the erosion, transportation, sedimentation by running water and the spread of pyroclastic flow sediment from Mt. Aso by using the data about the size and distribution of welded tuff gravel. Using the welded tuffs as a key for linking science contents we developed the unit plan of “Function of running water”.


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