

  • ニュージーランド 、 2011ネン クライストチャーチ ジシン ニ ヨル タテモノ ヒガイ ト チケイ カンキョウ
  • Architectural damage and geomorphological environment of 2011 Christchurch Earthquake, New Zealand



2011 Christchurch Earthquake (M=6.3) struck at 12:51 on 22th February and caused the severe human and architectural damage in and around Christchurch urban area. Based on field survey, the author discusses on the character of damage, and the effect of materials of building and geomorphological condition as its cause. The results are summarized as followings. 1) St Andrews and Lyttelton located on Port Hill composed of Miocene Volcanic rock, Riccarton and Western CBD located on natural levee zone, Woolston located on delta, New Brighton located on sand bar and Redcliffs located on valley bottom plain were chosen for investigation into their damage. Degree of damaged buildings was classified into Red, Yellow and Green colours according to identification by the investigators of city council. Materials of buildings were classified into brick, wood and concrete. The Degree of damage was measured as (numbers of red and 0.5 numbers of yellow) ÷total numbers of buildings (Miyamura 1946). 2) Brick buildings were the most severely damaged and wood and concrete buildings were same degree. 3) StAndrews and Lyttelton were suffered the heaviest damage, because strong and short seismic dislocation and motion attacked from the epicenter directly. The Degrees of damage of Riccarton, Western CBD, Woolston and New Brighton were about half of the former, because seismic motion should be equalized by severe liquefaction of alluvial deposits. Redcliffs was suffered slightly, be cause seismic motion might be absorbed by thick and soft ground.

2011 Christchurch Earthquake

architectural damage

geomorphological environment

New Zealand



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