2A1-H10 単眼カメラとレーザレンジファインダ搭載移動ロボットによる人物追跡と自律帰還(ホーム&オフィスロボット)


  • 2A1-H10 Person Following and Autonomous Returning by Mobile Robot Equipped with Monocular Camera and Laser Range Finder(Robots for Home/Office Application)


In recent years, with the development of technology, introduction of autonomous mobile robots to environments close to human life is expected. Examples are shopping cart robots automatically returning to the shopping cart shed after shopping, and guide robots directing the way back to the starting position from the current position in unknown environment. In this paper, we propose a mobile robot system which has functions of autonomous person following and starting position returning. The robot realizes these functions by analyzing information obtained with camera and laser range finder. We verified the validity of the system using a wheel mobile robot in indoor environment.


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