2P1-F01 オートグラスピングが可能な車椅子搭載型ロボットハンドの開発(福祉ロボティクス・メカトロニクス(1))


  • 2P1-F01 Development of Robot Hand Mounted on Wheel Chair with an Auto-Grasping System(Welfare Robotics and Mechatronics(1))


In this research, we are currently developing a robotic arm which is mounted on a wheel chair to help disabled people in daily life. But it is difficult for these people to manipulate it by using a joystick. So we aim to make an automatic manipulator, and this year, we developed a robot hand which can grasp objects automatically. This time we tried 3 tasks. They are to grasp a PET bottle, a straw and a handle. To realize these tasks, this robot hand has 30[N] grip force produced with four-bar linkage system, and carries a supersonic sensor, infrared proximity sensors and pressure sensors. Finally we succeeded to create a map of environment, and to carry out them.


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