S141012 スキップフローショップ型生産システムのためのネスティングを考慮したスケジューリングに関する研究([S14101]生産システムの新展開(基礎・理論) (1))


  • S141012 A Study on Scheduling with Considering Nesting for Skip flow Shop Manufacturing


In sheet-metal processing, there are two requirements for efficient manufacturing. One is how to reduce the waste of raw materials. Another is how to make optimal schedules. In actual manufacturing system, it mainly tends to focus on the reduction of raw materials. Therefore, the allocation problem (nesting problem) which decides optimal allocation of parts into raw material is solved without considering manufacturing processes. However, trade-off relations exist between nesting problem and scheduling. Hence those problems might be considered simultaneously. In this study, in order to consider both problems simultaneously, the combinatorial method of dispatching-rule-based scheduling and rule-based nesting is proposed. The effectiveness of proposed method was verified through computational experiments.


  • 年次大会

    年次大会 2011 (0), _S141012-1-_S141012-5, 2011

    一般社団法人 日本機械学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

