特発性後天性小頭症(Idiopathic Acquired Microcephaly)の発達予後と注意欠陥・多動性障害の関連について


  • The Relationship of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Developmental Prognosis of the Idiopathic Acquired Microcephaly
  • トクハツセイ コウテン セイ ショウトウショウ ( IDIOPATHIC ACQUIRED MICROCEPHALY ) ノ ハッタツ ヨゴ ト チュウイ ケッカン ・ タドウ セイ ショウガイ ノ カンレン ニ ツ イテ




出生時頭囲は正常だが発育と共に正常な頭囲拡大がみられない後天性小頭症の児童がいる.その中で先天性脳奇形や脳形成異常などの器質的異常,明らかな症候群,傷害のないものを特発性後天性小頭症と定義する.このなかでも乳児期に発達遅滞のなかった者を中心に,幼児期,学童期の発達を追跡し,この群でおこりうる合併症と発達予後を明らかにする.1999~2012 年に出生し鳥取大学脳神経小児科を受診し小頭症と診断された62 名を対象とした.これを特発性,家族性,症候性,傷害性に分類し,特発性後天性小頭症を対象として後方視的に調査した.62 名中先天性が20 例,後天性が39 例,出生時頭囲不明が3 例であった.特発性後天性小頭症は19 例で後天性の48.7%,また小頭症全体31%を占め最も多い群であった.この群は乳児期発達が正常でも半数近くが知的障害と注意欠陥・多動性障害(ADHD)を合併症する傾向があった.特発性後天性小頭症には「乳児期発達が正常でも小頭症の進行と共に知的障害とADHD を合併する群」があり,乳幼児期に鑑別する事は困難なため小頭症と診断された症例は学童期以降も注意して経過を観察する必要がある.

Backgrounds:Although their head circumference at birth is normal, children with acquired microcephaly who do not exhibit normal enlargement of head circumference have been observed. We diagnosed children with microcephaly who did not have pathological findings, such as brain malformations, congenital malformations, obvious syndromes, injuries, or inborn errors of metabolism, with idiopathic acquired microcephaly.Objectives:To clarify the prognosis and development of the complications in these children by examining those without developmental delay in infancy and tracking their development in early and later childhood.Patients and Methods:We examined 62 patients who were diagnosed with microcephaly, who were born between 1999 and 2012, and who consulted the Division of Child Neurology, Tottori University Hospital. We subdivided the patients into those with idiopathic, familial, syndromic, or symptomatic microcephaly and retrospectively investigated those with idiopathic acquired microcephaly.Results:Idiopathic acquired microcephaly was most common in the study group, accounting for 31 % of the 62 cases of microcephaly and 48.7 % of the cases with acquired microcephaly. Nearly half of this group, despite normal development in infancy, exhibited a tendency for complications of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and intellectual disability.Conclusions:In the group of acquired microcephaly with the pathological findings, the patients progressively exhibited intellectual disability and the characteristics of ADHD. We would like to suggest that they represents a new disease group. Idiopathic acquired microcephaly is a group of condition s with microcephaly that cause late-onset ADHD and intellectual disability and normal developmental progression in infancy. Thus, these patients are difficult to distinguish in early childhood.




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