電力システム改革と原子力事業救済策 : 事業環境整備論に関する検討


  • デンリョク システム カイカク ト ゲンシリョク ジギョウ キュウサイサク ジギョウ カンキョウ セイビロン ニ カンスル ケントウ
  • Electricity System Reform and Measures for Bailing Out the Nuclear Power Business : An Examination of Business Conditions Enhancement Doctorine



1 はじめに : 筆者らは前稿で、福島原発事故のコスト(社会的出費)が少なくとも約11兆円にのぼることを明らかにし、賠償や事故炉の廃止措置の費用が、電気料金などを通じて、国民・電力消費者に転嫁されつつあることを指摘した。他方、東日本大震災後に加速された電力システム改革のもとで、原発事故のコストを電気料金に転嫁し続けることができるかについては見通しがたい、という展望も同時に述べた(大島・除本, 2014a)。電力システム改革とは、小売り・発電の全面自由化(電力自由化)による競争的な電力市場形成、発送電分離と広域的な系統運用を進めることである。これは当然、従来の総括原価主義に基づく規制料金を撤廃することも含んでいる。……

Starting in 2016, electric power retail and production were totally liberalized, and regulated rates are to be abolished between 2018 and 2020. Regulated rates have until now stabilized the operations of electric utilities, but their discontinuance will probably make it increasingly difficult for the electric utilities, which operate nuclear plants, to themselves undertake the business risks associated with nuclear power. The government has therefore developed the following three risk-mitigation measures: (1) Provide policy measures which mitigate the business risks of nuclear power, (2) take measures by which the government shares the risks of reprocessing operations, and (3) reduce the risk of bearing nuclear accidents costs by reviewing the system for nuclear power damage compensation. In this paper we conceive this suite of measures as “business conditions enhancement doctrine,” and sketch an overall picture of it. The purpose of business conditions enhancement doctrine is to create policy measures that mitigate the risks and costs of nuclear plant operators, and make the citizens and electric power consumers (as well as future accident victims) shoulder them, in order to maintain nuclear power even after completely reforming the electric power system.


  • 経営研究

    経営研究 65 (3), 69-98, 2014-11




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