〔研究ノート〕健康な女子大学生の安静時代謝における 月経周期に伴う変動についての予備的研究


  • Preliminary Study on Fluctuation of Resting Metabolic Rate according to Menstrual Cycle in Healthy Female University Students
  • ケンコウ ナ ジョシ ダイガクセイ ノ アンセイジ タイシャ ニ オケル ゲッケイ シュウキ ニ トモナウ ヘンドウ ニ ツイテ ノ ヨビテキ ケンキュウ



In previous studies, it is controversial whether basal metabolic rate in females fluctuates according to their menstrual cycle. Therefore, in this study, we measured resting metabolic rate(RMR)of six healthy female university students for about one month and evaluated the fluctuation pattern according to their menstrual cycles. Participants measured basal body temperature at supine position immediately upon awakening every day. During the recording period, RMR was measured by indirect calorimetry at least 3 times per week. Fluctuation patterns of basal body temperature and RMR as related to the menstrual cycle were analyzed by sinusoidal curve fitting. The results showed that, for all participants, basal body temperature fluctuated according to the menstrual cycle and was the highest during the luteal phase. On the other hand, the peak of the RMR fluctuation occurred in luteal phase for 4 participants and in the follicular phase for 2 participants. These results indicate that RMR in females does not necessarily fluctuate according to the menstrual cycle. We suggest that the RMR may be maintained at a relatively constant rate by means of the mechanism to compensate for fluctuation of body temperature as related to the menstrual cycle.




  • 學苑

    學苑 890 10-15, 2014-12-01

    東京 : 光葉会

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