大都市近郊園芸生産地域の生産者における出荷対応に関する一考察 : 千葉県東葛飾地域を事例として


  • Study on Distribution System Used by Producers in Horticultural Regions in Suburban Areas of Large Cities : Higashi-Katsushika, Chiba Prefecture



This study took as a case study Higashi-Katsushika located in Chiba Prefecture, a horticultural region in a suburban area of a large city, to identify the distribution environment concerning direct shipment used by individual farmers and to investigate factors for the selection of points of distribution. The study revealed a tendency for individual farmers - those who are opposed to having their products assessed with that of other producers, as well as those who will not conform to the selection criterion of agricultural cooperatives - to opt for direct shipment instead of going through the shipment by agricultural cooperative. In addition to the above, the study also revealed that market prices, transportation time and cost, handling time, routine collection of goods and the relationship with the market representative were all contributing factors to the selection of distribution points among producers.


  • 農業市場研究

    農業市場研究 18 (3), 40-46, 2009-12-31


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