薬物使用経験を「わかる」の3基盤 : 「矯正教育プログラム(薬物非行)」の質的分析


  • Three Bases of "Understanding" Drug Use Experiences : A Qualitative Assessment of "The Corrective Education Program on Drug-Related Delinquency"
  • ヤクブツ シヨウ ケイケン オ 「 ワカル 」 ノ 3 キバン : 「 キョウセイ キョウイク プログラム(ヤクブツ ヒコウ)」 ノ シツテキ ブンセキ





Drug addicts have difficulties not only in dealing with their own craving for drugs, but also getting themselves understood. However, they need to speak frankly about their cravings and drug use when they attempt to stop using drugs. We studied one program's implementation of "the Corrective Education Program on Drug-Related Delinquency," which lasted for three months at a female Juvenile Training School. The program participants made an effort to make the group atmosphere comfortable for the female addicts. Several female addicts and several adult teachers participated in the program. In the beginning, the girls were worried about whether their experiences would be understood by the other participants. They soon found that the other girls had had similar, drug-related problems. They felt empathy and were relieved to find that they would be understood among themselves. One clinical psychologist had experience and expertise in treating addicts. By providing advice based on her experience, she established herself as a reliable expert among the girls. The teachers of the training school did not have as much expertise as the clinical psychologist. However, they made an effort to be receptive to the girls in other respects. We called those "three bases of 'understanding'" drug addicts. The formation of the group was successful, and the girls participated in the program eagerly. At the conclusion of the program, they had established a firm motivation to stop using drugs after they got out of the school. They also acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve this goal.




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