現代生活の中での害獣駆除 : 害獣駆除活動の楽しみの要素に注目して


  • The Elimination of Vermin from Modern Daily life : Focusing on the Factor of Pleasure in the Activity
  • ゲンダイ セイカツ ノ ナカ デ ノ ガイ ジュウ クジョ : ガイ ジュウ クジョ カツドウ ノ タノシミ ノ ヨウソ ニ チュウモク シテ



Ridding of vermin is a serious problem in the countryside across Japan. The number of vermin damaging agriculture or economy is still increasing but the population of hunter is decreasing and aging. This is because ridding of vermin is physically and economically demanding and it is difficult to live solely on it. To solve these problems, this study focuses on the factor of pleasure in ridding of vermin. According to the research conducted on two hunters in Fukuchiyama city, Kyoto, the factor of pleasure mainly lies in the part of making tools or developing better ways to catch vermin, not so much in their meat. These two hunters have their main source of income other than hunting animals; one engages in agriculture and the other is a metal worker. Both of them say hunting vermin is a serious problem since their work in farm or factory is delayed because they rid vermin almost every day in the hunting season. Nevertheless they can continue the activity because they find some amusement in it. The factor of pleasure should be taken over to the next generation to solve aging problem and to reduce the hardness of this activity for hunters.


  • 生活学論叢

    生活学論叢 25 (0), 3-12, 2014-09-30




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