特例子会社制度の活用による障害者雇用拡大のための方策について : 特例子会社と親会社への全国調査から


  • Measures to Expand the Employment of Persons with Disabilities Using the Special Subsidiary Company Program : Based on the National Wide Survey of Special Subsidiary Companies and Parent Companies
  • トクレイ コガイシャ セイド ノ カツヨウ ニ ヨル ショウガイシャ コヨウ カクダイ ノ タメ ノ ホウサク ニ ツイテ : トクレイ コガイシャ ト オヤガイシャ エ ノ ゼンコク チョウサ カラ



In this study, I surveyed both special subsidiary companies and parent companies for the first time. The survey showed that the special subsidiary company program functioned effectively, to the extent that the subsidiaries were able to accommodate people with disabilities, when they received the assistance and cooperation of the parent company. However, it was also evident that many corporations could not take full advantage of this program for the following reasons: i) many companies opined that the employment of persons with disabilities should only be pursued at the subsidiary level, ii) parent companies were aware that they could not adequately accommodate persons with disabilities they employed, and iii) the number of companies considering the use of special subsidiaries was extremely small. Based on these findings, the idea of a special subsidiary company serving as a base for the entire company regarding the employment of persons with disabilities should be pursued.


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