K03100 流体温度変動による配管熱疲労に関する研究 : 全体計画(【K03100】材料力学部門,動力エネルギーシステム部門,産業・化学機械と安全部門,標準・規格センター企画,基調講演)


  • K03100 Thermal fatigue of pipes induced by fluid temperature change : Research Plan


Nuclear piping has various kinds of thermal fatigue failure modes. Main causes of thermal loads are structural responses to fluid temperature changes during plant operation. These phenomena have complex mechanisms and so many patterns, that their problems still occur even though well-known issues. To prevent thermal fatigue due to above thermal loads, the JSME guideline is adopted. Both thermal load and fatigue failure mechanism have been investigated and summarized into the knowledgebase. Based on above knowledge, improved methods for the JSME guideline and Numerical simulation methods for thermal fatigue evaluation were studied. Furthermore, probabilistic failure analysis approach with main influence parameters were investigated to be applied for the plant system safety..


  • 年次大会

    年次大会 2013 (0), _K03100-1_-_K03100-5_, 2013

    一般社団法人 日本機械学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

