G061042 直接接触潜熱蓄熱槽におけるエリスリトールの凝固・融解挙動([G061-04]熱工学部門,一般セッション(4) : 固液相変化)


  • G061042 Melting and Solidification Behavior of Erythritol in a Direct-contact Latent Heat Storage Vessel


The purpose of this study is to develop the latent heat storage system using erythritol as a latent heat storage material. In this study, the direct contact melting and solidification behaviors of erythritol were visualized in order to investigate the characteristics of direct contact heat storage and release between oil and erythritol. In this direct contact method, if the packed height of erythritol increases, erythritol may be flowed out from a vessel with oil. So to control the packed erythritol height, the effect of a perforated aluminum lattice in the vessel was investigated. The experimental results show that the increase of erythritol bubbles was inhibited by the perforated aluminum lattice. And it is found that the amount of heat release is influenced by the form of perforated aluminum lattices.


  • 年次大会

    年次大会 2013 (0), _G061042-1-_G061042-3, 2013

    一般社団法人 日本機械学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

