0319 数値タービンとDDMのカップリングに関する研究(OS3 流体機械の研究開発とそれに関連した複雑流動現象,オーガナイズドセッション)


  • 0319 A Study on the Coupling 0f the Numerical Turbine and DDM


This paper presents the numerical simulation of steam-droplet flows through a three stage steam turbine. The fundamental equations of compressible wet-steam flow in this study consist of conservation laws of the density of water vapor, the momentums, the total energy, the density of water liquid, and the number density of water droplets and they are coupled with SST turbulence model with relative velocities in general curvilinear coordinates. Compressible Navier-Stokes equations and mathematical models for equilibrium condensation are solved using the high-order high-resolution finite-difference method based on the fourth-order compact MUSCL TVD scheme, Roe's approximate Riemann solver, and the LU-SGS scheme. On the other hand, as the equation of motion of the droplets, the drag force, the unsteady drag force, the centrifugal force and the Coriolis force are calculated.


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