

  • Influence of Obesity on the Results of Pulmonary Function Tests
  • コキュウ キノウ ケンサ ニ オケル ヒマン ノ エイキョウ




肥満が呼吸機能に及ぼす影響に関しては,既に多くの報告がなされているが一定の見解が得られていないのが現状である.今回,われわれは喫煙歴がなく呼吸器疾患を有さない患者を対象とし,男女別にそれぞれ非肥満者群がBody Mass Index (以下BMI) を25未満とし,肥満者群がBMIを25以上として2群に分け,各検査値に対する肥満の影響を基準値との比率 (%) で比較検討した.今回の検討では,特に%予備呼気量 (%Expiratory Reserve Volume;以下%ERV) と%最大呼気口腔内圧(%Maximal mouth Expiratory Pressure;以下%MEP) で男女とも肥満の影響が認められた.%ERVは,非肥満者群に比べ肥満者群が男女ともに有意な低値となった.一方,%MEPでは非肥満者群に比べ肥満者群が男女ともに有意な高値となった.呼吸機能検査の基準値を求める予測式は,体重 (肥満) が考慮されていないため,判読の際には肥満の影響を考慮する必要性が示唆された.

Backgrounds:Recently, the number of people with obesity is increasing. It is known that obesity affects respiratory systems including functions of diaphragm. However, the influence of obesity on respiratory function test is not clearly elucidated.Patients and Methods:Subjects who received pulmonary function tests in Department of Laboratory Medicine Dokkyo Medical University Koshigaya Hospital between November 2007 and June in 2008 were enrolled in this study. Smokers and Subjects with respiratory diseases were excluded. Enrolled subjects were divided into 2 groups, obesity group( Body Mass Index( BMI)≧25) and non-obesity( BMI<25) group, and pulmonary function test results were compared.Results:%Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV) in obesity groups was significantly lower than that in non-obesity group. %Maximal mouth Expiratory Pressure (MEP) in obesity groups was significantly higher than that in non-obesity group. No significant differences were detected between 2 groups in %Vital Capacity, %Forced Expiratory Volume 1.0 % and V50/V25.Conclusion:A body weight value is not included in the predicting formula for calculation of standard value of each pulmonary function data. Therefore, the influence of obesity required to be considered when the pulmonary function test is carried out for patients with obesity.




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