公害被害地域の再生に関する一試論 : 水俣「もやい直し」再考


  • コウガイ ヒガイ チイキ ノ サイセイ ニ カンスル イチシロン ミナマタ モヤイナオシ サイコウ
  • An Essay on the Regeneration of Pollution Affected Areas : Reconsideration of "Moyainaoshi Movement" in Minamata



1 はじめに-本稿の課題と構成 : 1990年代以降、環境破壊によって疲弊した地域の再生が、今後確立されるべき環境政策の新しい領域として注目されている。国内については、大気汚染公害地域を主な対象として研究が積み重ねられてきた(永井ほか編著, 2002 ; 遠藤ほか編著, 2008 ; 除本・林編著, 2013)。しかし、戦後の公害の「原点」といわれる水俣病の被害地域については、この観点からの研究蓄積が乏しい。本稿は、水俣市における「もやい直し」の経緯と現状を明らかにすることで、その欠落を多少とも埋めようとするものである。……

Since the 1990s, the restoration of the areas that suffered environmental destruction has attracted attention as a new area of future environmental policy establishment. There have been various Japanese studies that have principally focused on areas with air pollution. However, there are only a few studies focusing on Minamata disease affected areas, also known as the "origin" of post-war pollution. The present study aims to clarify the background and current situation of the “Moyainaoshi movement” (searching for solutions through dialogue and collaboration) in Minamata City and attempts to fill in the missing pieces. First, this study captures the characteristics of Minamata disease affected areas by identifying "values" that are difficult to replace. We redefine the “Moyainaoshi movement” as the process of value transformation and value sharing. Subsequently, we describe the background and history of the “Moyainaoshi movement” based on our findings. Finally, as a summary of the discussion, we attempt to discuss the challenges of the restoration of Minamata City.


  • 経営研究

    経営研究 66 (3), 31-48, 2015-11


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