J055022 単一カメラによる気流の広領域三次元速度場計測を実現するPlVシステム


  • J055022 Single Camera-based Global 3-D Particle Image Velocimetry for Airflows


3-D PIV applying tomographic reconstruction technique of smoke concentration pattern in a 3-D measurement volume has adopted for large scale airflows. The measurement system is composed of a liquid-crystal display projector for the color-coded volumetric illumination and a single camera for capturing RGB color intensity components of misty tracers. The 3-D tracer concentration pattern is obtained from the RGB color intensity components. In this paper, we applied Color PIV to large measurement volume in airflows. Measurement volume is unrestricted by the spatial resolution of a camera because smoke concentration profiles are used for reconstruction. For the application of this technique, flow fields of elliptical vortex ring and wake of a delta wing were measured. Flow fields reconstructed by our technique were appropriately measured even if flow patterns were quite different in each layer.


  • 年次大会

    年次大会 2012 (0), _J055022-1-_J055022-5, 2012

    一般社団法人 日本機械学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

