法改正で期待される麻酔銃捕獲の成果と課題 : アーバンワイルドライフ問題解決に向けて(<特集>「鳥獣の保護及び管理並びに狩猟の適正化に関する法律」に寄せる期待と展望)

  • 森光 由樹


  • Anticipated Outcomes and Challenges of Capture via Tranquilizer Gun in Wildlife Protection and Proper Hunting Act : "Towards the Resolution of Urban Wildlife Problems"(<Feature>The expectation and view toward "Wildlife Protection and Management, and Proper Hunting Act")
  • 法改正で期待される麻酔銃捕獲の成果と課題 : アーバンワイルドライフ問題解決に向けて
  • ホウ カイセイ デ キタイ サレル マスイジュウ ホカク ノ セイカ ト カダイ : アーバンワイルドライフ モンダイ カイケツ ニ ムケテ



Conflicts between wild animals and humans have been increasing during the recent years, resulting in damage to human environments and infrastructure as well as injuries to humans. In urban areas, capturing the wild animals is a difficult task because, by law, firearms cannot be used. As a method for rapidly incapacitating and capturing these animals, it has become legal to use tranquilizer guns, as they are non-lethal, and there is little danger of damage to the property. Capturing via tranquilizer gun is a safe method; however, operational problems remain. Because tranquilizer guns are drug delivery systems and not firearms, written tests and practical exams for the use of tranquilizer guns are not imposed. A person who does not have basic firearm training can still use the guns, as long as he/she passes police inspection. Because there are various problems in the positioning and operation of tranquilizer guns in the amended law, there is an immediate need to create user manuals and to formulate rules to prevent accidents.


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