1A1-L06 テレグジスタンスの研究(第84報) : ヴァーチャル・ハンズの投影を用いたテレグジスタンス・ロボットのための相互伝送


  • 1A1-L06 Study on Telexistence LXXXIV : Mutual Communication for Telexistence Robots using Virtual Hands Projection


This paper addresses the lack of physical arms in Telexistence robots by projecting operator's hands images into the remote environment. User hands are captured from the first point of view (FPV) using an IR camera mounted on user's HMD, and are segmented from the background. Those hands are then superimposed on top of of robot vision, and presented to user's HMD. In the robot place, a pico projector mounted on the robot head is used to project the same images of user's hands after being corrected into the remote environment objects. Using this method, it is possible to have a mutual understanding between the user and remote participants towards hand motion and interactions in the remote place.


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