2P1-B08 トマトの自動収穫のためのRGB-D画像を用いた物体位置推定 : トマトロボット競技会への出場を目指した取り組み


  • 2P1-B08 Position Estimation using RGB-D Images for Automated Tomato Harvesting : A Challenge for the Tomato Robot Competition


This paper reports an approach to accomplish tasks assigned in a competition of automated or remote controlled robots harvesting tomatoes. For automation of harvesting, we use RGB-D images to estimate position of tomatoes. With an assumption in the competition that a large black wall stands behind tomatoes, we can recognize the wall by calculating a plane equation fitting retrieved point clouds, and identify a tomato in front of the wall from red color regions of it. And then position of the tomato can be also obtained with approximating it by a sphere. Moreover our proposed approach to tomato recognition can be applied to a bunch of tomatoes using a presumed size of tomatoes.


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