シカゴ大学時代のジョン・デューイの書簡について(7 ) ― デューイのシカゴ大学辞職の経緯について ―


  • Some Inspections of the Correspondence of John Dewey during His Chicago Years (7) - Conceming Dewey's Resignation from the University of Chicago -
  • シカゴ ダイガク ジダイ ノ ジョン デューイ ノ ショカン ニツイテ 7 : デューイ ノ シカゴ ダイガク ジショク ノ ケイイ ニツイテ



In June 1904,John Dewey left Chicago. During his ten years in Chicago,he had become famous for his instrumentalism in logics,and had formed a group of young scholars that William James called ""the Chicago school"" of pragmatism. He had become known world-wide for his laboratory school and his experimental theory of education. Why his farewell from Chicago? The purpose of this paper is to probe Dewey's deep reasons for his resignation from the University of Chicago.There were two legends about Dewey's resignation: one attributed the cause to William Rainey Harper as the first President of the University of Chicago,who took the side of the faculty of the School of Education in the antagonism between them and Dewey as the Director of the School; the other blamed Dewey's wife Alice,whom President Harper discharged as principal of the elementary school of the School of Education because she was not respected by the teachers,and consequently she induced Dewey to resign from the University.However,when we examine the Dewey's correspondence,we find some other hidden reasons for his resignation from the University of Chicago. First,Dewey had thought about resignation two or three years before his final decision,just when Harper planned to merge Dewey's laboratory school into the practice school of the School of Education. Therefore,it is supposed that the most powerful reason for Dewey's resignation from the Chicago was not being allowed to continue the educational experiments of his laboratory school without obstruction. In fact,Dewey confessed to James McKeen Cattell,who invited Dewey to the professorship of the Columbia University,that he was angry with Harper's lack of support for the laboratory school.Secondly,Dewey wished to get an administrative position at any university, while he negotiated with President Butler of Columbia about his transference from Chicago to New York. What does that mean? Dewey was probably looking for more academic freedom in university administrations, since he regarded Harper's Chicago as prefering financial matters to academic ones. Dewey suggested Cattell that the University of Illinois was looking for a president. Thirdly,before Dewey submitted his resignation to Harper,he visited Columbia as a lecturer of philosophy and he was very pleased with the university. It was Cattell whom Dewey infonned first of all of his decision to resign from Chicago,and at the same time he asked Cattell to send any information about job. Cattell immediately asked Dewey whether he would like to come to Columbia. Perhaps,Dewey had expected in advance the Columbia to offer him a position.


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