

  • Leukotrienes B4 and C4 generation by peripheral leucocytes in patients with asthma



The generation of leukotrienes B4 (LTB4) and C4 (LTC4) by leucocytes stimulated with Ca ionophore A23187 was examined in 16 patients with asthma (8 with atopic and 8 with nonatopic asthma) and 12 healthy controls. 1. The LT84 generation by leucocytes was not significantly different between patients with asthma and healthy controls. The generation of LTC4 was significantly larger in patients with asthma than in healthy controls. The LTC4 generation was also significantly larger in patients with attacks (58.4 ± 38.5 ng/5x10(6) cells) than in those without attacks (23.3 ± 25.9 ng/5x10(6) cells)(p<0.05). 2.ln atopic asthma, the LTC4 production was significantly larger in patients with attacks (84.7 ± 35.4 ng/5x10(6) cells) compared to the production in those without attacks (40.4 ± 27.2 ng/5x10(6) cells)(p<0.02). However, the production of LTB4 was not significantly different between attack and attack-free stages. 3. In nonatopic asthma, the LTC4 production was also significantly higher in patients with attacks (32.2 ± 26.3 ng/5x10(6) cells) than in those without attacks (12.2 ± 3.5 ng/5x10(6) cells)(p<0.05). However, the LTB4 production was not significantly different between attack and nonattack stages. 4. The LTC4 production was significantly larger in atopic asthmatics compared to the production in nonatopic subjects both in attack and nonattack stages. These results suggest that the generation of LTC4 by leucocytes of patients with asthma is closely related to IgE-mediated reaction and asthma attacks.

気管支喘息16例(アトピー型喘息8例,非アトピー型喘息8例)を対象に,Ca ionophore A23187 刺激時の末梢血白血球のロイコトリエンB4(LTB4)およびC4(LTC4)産生能について検討した。1.LTB4産生能は,喘息症例と健康人 の間に有意の差は見られなかった。LTC4産生能は,健康人に比べ喘息症例で有意に高い傾向が見られた。また,喘息症例では,非発作時(23.3±25.9ng/5xl0(6)cells)に比べ発作時(58.4±38.5ng/5xl0(6)cells)に有意に高い値を示した(p<0.05)。アトピー型喘息では,非発作時(40.4±27.2mg/5xl0(6)cells) に比べ発作時(84.7±35.4ng/5xl0(6)cells) に有意の高値を示したが(p<0.02),LTB4 産生に関しては両者間に有意の差は見られなかった。3.非アトピー型喘息においても同様,非発作時(12.2±3.2ng/5xl0(6) cells) に比べ発作時 (32.2±26.3ng/5xl0(6)cells)で有意の高値であったが(P<0.05), LTB4 では有意差は見られなかった。4.LTC4産生能は,発作時、非発作時とも,アトピー型喘息で非アトピー型喘息に比べ有意に高いことが示唆された。以上の結果より,喘息症例における白血球のLTC4産生能はIgE にmediateされる反応と密接な関連がある可能性が示唆された。


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