Studies on hepatotoxicity induced by chlorinated hydrocarbons. II. Lipid metabolism and absorption spectrum of microsomal lipid in the mice exposed to 1, 1, 2, 2-tetrachloroethane



<p>Female Cb mice weighing 20-23 g were exposed to 800 ppm (in average) of 1, I, 2, 2.tetrachloroethane for 3 hours. Both triglyceride and phospholipid in the liver and plasma were determined at varying times after the exposure. On the other hand, there were observed the ultraviolet absorption spectra of microwmallipids in the liver at 90 minutes after the 1, 1,2, 2-tetrachloroethane or the carbon tetrachloride exposure. The results thus obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The increase of hepatic triglyceride contents attained the maximum level in the period between 20 and 25 hours after the exposure and declined to the initial levels at 90 hours later. 2. The plasma triglyceride levels decreased until 25 hours after the exposure, then tended to increase significantly and were much higher than the control levels in the period between 70 and 90 hours later. 3. Both liver and plasma phospholipid levels decreased gradually up to 25 hours after the exposure, then slowly recovered with almost the same rate of increase. 4. It was suggested that the inhalation of the above vapors induced a little change in microsomal lipids in the liver.</p>


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