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  • Gravity Anomaly over the Teshikaga Region, Eastern Hokkaido
  • ホッカイドウ トウブ テシカガ チイキ ノ ジュウリョク イジョウ



We have been measuring gravity data over the Kutcharo area, Eastern Hokkaido (Doto Region). The main purpose of our data collection can be divided into two. The first is the earthquake fault, which runs through the rim of lake Kutcharo. Teshikaga region had been the only region which experienced large (MJMA > 6) inland earthquake, until the 2004 Rumoi-nanbu earthquake occurred. The second is the largest volcanic caldera in Japan, the Kutcharo caldera. In this paper, we made detailed Bouguer anomaly map over the Teshikaga region. The gravity anomaly map was improved by newly obtained data and the lake water correction. Our gravity survey was performed during these 5 years, around the earthquake fault and at the northern side of the Lake Kutcharo. The lake water gravity correction was calculated for the Lake Masyu and the Lake Kutcharo. We also made Digital Depth Model for the Lake Masyu and the Lake Kutchrao.



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