中国地方の大学院生・初心の臨床心理士のスーパーヴィジョン経験に関する研究 <論文>

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  • A research on supervised experiences of young clinical psychologists and graduate students in Chugoku district
  • 中国地方の大学院生・初心の臨床心理士のスーパーヴィジョン経験に関する研究
  • チュウゴク チホウ ノ ダイガクインセイ ショシン ノ リンショウ シンリシ ノ スーパーヴィジョン ケイケン ニ カンスル ケンキュウ



The aim of the study was to clarify supervision (SV) experiences of inexperienced graduates of graduate programs for clinical psychology (M2) and clinical counselors with less than five years of clinical works after completing master's degree (CP) in Chugoku district of Japan. A questionnaire was administered to 570, and 70 M2 (41.2%) and 154 CP (38.5%) were returned the questionnaire with data available for analysis. The questionnaire covered frequency of SV, charge of SV, information of case, demographic information of supervisors (SVR), knowledge and skills attainment in SV, and current situations and issues of regional system of SV. The results showed the differences between M2 and CP. Access to SV was less than I expected. The finding suggested that both M2 and CP were embarrassed with lack of SVR and information of SVR, and they were dissatisfied in SVRs' ability and their special field. Implications for the certified graduate schools of clinical psychology and the prefecture association for clinical counselors are discussed for the expansion of the system of SV.


  • 広島大学心理学研究

    広島大学心理学研究 10 147-158, 2011-03-31


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