心理臨床の場におけるリズムの生起に関する試論 : プレイセラピーでのリズミカルなやりとりを手がかりに

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  • A Study of Rhythm Occurring in Play Therapy : Analyzing Rhythmical Communication Between Client and Therapist
  • シンリ リンショウ ノ バ ニ オケル リズム ノ セイキ ニ カンスル シロン プレイセラピー デ ノ リズミカル ナ ヤリトリ オ テガカリ ニ



The present study aims to examine what happened in play therapy in which the therapist was given a strong impression by the rhythmical communication between client and therapist. Rhythm is linked to psycho-soma and experienced through the whole body. When people utter words and phrases rhythmically, the words and the phrases are put together in both rhythmical order and prosaic order at the same time. As a result, words and phrases in the rhythmical conversation attain new and unique meanings. Rhythmical communication in therapy can achieve eff ective attunement between the client and the therapist, which gives them an interpersonal communion (D.N. Stern, 1985). When they say words or phrases in a rhythmical way, each rhythm with their words or phrases affects the other and creates a new and powerful rhythm. By analyzing the play therapy process and the rhythmical communication in the therapy, it is implied that the communication, and the power of its rhythm, help the client and the therapist to continue together in therapy, overcoming the conversational problem that causes them to feel that the meanings of their words' and phrases' are unbearable. Thus, rhythm can play an important role in a critical phase of the therapy.


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