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  • Syntactic Properties of the Reflexive Passive Construction in Spanish
  • スペインゴ ニ オケル サイキ ジュドウ コウブン ノ トウゴテキ トクセイ



The reflexive passive construction in Spanish (and other Romance languages) is often considered to have the same syntactic structure as the so-called passive construction in the field of generative grammar. In this article it is shown that there exist important syntactic differences between these two constructions and that they are explained in an explicit and straightforward manner by supposing the following syntactic properties of the passive reflexive pronoun and the passive morpheme: i) the former has the accusative Case feature, forming a contrast to the latter which has the direct objective Case feature, ii) both of them receive the agent θ-role as an argument. We also propose a Case checking mechanism in Spanish appropriate for its rather complicated system of case morphology, where three types of light verbs, each corresponding to a specific abstract Case, bear the features of definiteness and animateness as well as the Case feature. These features must be properly checked with respect to an element bearing features of the same value. The presented mechanism of checking features incorporates the analysis of the Spanish causative constructions in Fujita(2006).


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