


type:Departmental Bulletin Paper

本研究では,A市内某保育園の園児の保護者を対象に,子どもと保護者の健康と生活に関する質問紙調査を実施し,検討を行った。その結果,以下の知見が得られた。すなわち,(1)本対象集団のCES-D得点は,12.25点であったこと,(2)育児意識項目からは4因子が抽出され,それぞれ「育児への不安」「育児疲労と自己安定感の欲求」「子どもへの愛情」「育児への責任感と自信(余裕)」と解釈されるものであったこと,(3)本対象集団の育児意識と抑うつ症状保有程度との間に明らかな関連性を示したこと,(4)抑うつ症状保有程度と育児意識は,子どもの様子と関連すること,である。以上より,保護者の情況が育児に対して大きな###影響力を持つことが明らかとなった。これらは以下を示唆している。すなわち,子どもの発育・発達上の問題に接近を試みる際,子ども本人のみでなく,子どもを取り巻く環境条件,とりわけ保護者の心身状態を含めた情況に着眼することである。さらに,保護者と育児を健全にしていくための方策として,スポーツを遊びとして捉え,保護者が子どもと共に遊ぶ(スポーツをする)機会を創出することが考えられる。To investigate the psycho-mental status and consciousness and the attitude against###child-care, a small survey using self-administered questionnaire consist of CES-D and related items was conducted for a sample of 75 guardians of little children. Data were###obtained from 68 guardians, yielding an effective response rate of 90.7%. Data were###subjected to factor analysis followed by varimax rotation. Then, ANOVA (analysis of###variance) and spearmans correlation coefficients were applied to analysis for relationships and comparison of relevant variables.Main findings were as follows.### 1. Depressive symptom levels from CES-D score among a present sample indicated###desirable tendency as Japanese adult.### 2. As a result of principal component analysis, 4 factors were extracted which were###named as follows :“ anxiety for child-care",“ subjective fatigue and demand for###stability",“affection for one's child",“ responsibility and confidence on child-care".3. Significant correlations were showed between conscious mind for child-care and depressive symptom level.### 4. Depressive symptom level and conscious mind for child-care of guardians were###inverse proportion to actual status of children in house.In conclusion, it is clear that actual status including psychosomatic status of guardians has influence on growth of children. It should be consider not only appearance and daily-living behavior of children, but also these statuses of guardians, in order to try to approach the problems that in growth, the development in the child. Additionally, to promote healthy family life including growth of children, we suggested that sports means like play in a home, might to be useful method equivalent to or greater than correct dietary and nutrition or sufficient sleeping.


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