[報文]アルコール資源作物としての甘藷栽培 : 栽植密度がエネルギー生産特性に及ぼす影響

機関リポジトリ HANDLE オープンアクセス


  • [Originals]Studies on the Cultivation of Sweet Potato as a Source of Alcohol Production : Effects of Planting Density on Alcohol Production




Using two varieties of sweet potato (Ipomea batatas (Lam.) L.), Okiyutaka, high starch content variety, and Turusengan, vigorously shoot growing variety, effects of planting density on the characteristics of raw material processed at energy self-supply alcohol production plant were investigated. Three experimental blocks of plant density were designed, such as 10 cm × 80 cm (12,500 plants per 10 a), 20 cm × 80 cm (6,250 plants per 10 a), and 40 cm × 80 cm (3,125 plants per 10 a). Energy self-supply (PE/NE ratio) of alcohol production was calculated using obtained data and hypotheses. When PE/NE ratio attained to one, max. potential alcohol production was obtained with the 20 cm × 80 cm block for the Okiyutaka and 40 cm × 80 cm block for the Turusengan. At the Okiyutaka, the planting density did not affect the number of days from planting day to the day when PE/NE ratio attained one. Max. starch yield efficiency and actual max. tuber yield were obtained with the 40 cm × 80 cm block for two varieties.



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