On Tomoo Otaka: From the Perspective of Jurisprudence and Pedagogy

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Tomoo Otaka (1899-1956) was a professor of jurisprudence. During his younger years, he spent time studying in Europe. In Vienna, he studied the pure theory of law under Hans Kelsen. In Freiburg, he studied phenomenology under Edmund Husserl. In this paper, the author reconsiders Otaka, examining him not only as a jurist but as a pedagogue as well. Otaka did many things and had an influence on a wide range of scholars and fields, for example, editing the textbook "Democracy", which was published in 1948 and 1949 by the Japanese ministry of education. The author's motto is that although the sum of the parts is not always a whole, one who cannot grasp the whole must examine the parts.


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