中学生の自律的な学習動機づけに及ぼす家庭環境の影響 -父親の家庭関与に基づく夫婦関係に焦点をあてて-


  • チュウガクセイ ノ ジリツテキ ナ ガクシュウドウキズケ ニ オヨボス カテイ カンキョウ ノ エイキョウ : チチオヤ ノ カテイ カンヨ ニ モトズク フウフ カンケイ ニ ショウテン オ アテテ
  • A Study on the Influence of Home Environment on Autonomous Motivation Toward Study in Junior High School Students: Focus on Father's Home Participation and Marital Relationship





This research aimed at considering the influence which the marital relationship based on a father's home participation has on a child's autonomous motivation toward study. 334 university students(mean age 19.22 years)completed questionnaires designed to investigate the relation among marital relationships, father's and mother's autonomous motivation to their children's study, autonomous support, children's motivational traits, and children's autonomous motivation toward study in their junior high school days. The data were analyzed using covariance structure analysis to examine the influence of home environment on autonomous motivation and following results were indicated. In the case of father, when marital relationship is good, father's autonomous motivation to children's study affected children's autonomous motivation toward study positively. Also father's autonomous motivation to their children's study affected children's motivational traits, and these traits affected children's autonomous motivation toward study positively. Furthermore marital relationships affected parent's support, they affected children's motivational traits and these traits affected children's autonomous motivation toward study positively. In the case of mother, the good marital relationship promoted autonomy support like a father's case, and it was also shown that it raises a child's motivation traits and autonomous motivation toward study. From the above thing, it was shown that the marital relationship based on a father's home participation influences the autonomous motivation toward study in junior high school students.


  • 教科開発学論集

    教科開発学論集 3 1-11, 2015-03-31

    愛知教育大学大学院・静岡大学大学院教育学研究科 共同教科開発学専攻

詳細情報 詳細情報について

