地方都市周辺における経済中心性の射程と立地制約 : 薩摩川内市域に見るコミュニティビジネスのポテンシャル


  • チホウ トシ シュウヘン ニオケル ケイザイ チュウシンセイ ノ シャテイ ト リッチ セイヤク : サツマ センダイ シイキ ニ ミル コミュニティ ビジネス ノ ポテンシャル
  • Economic centricity in small communities and their geographical constraints: Case study of community business potentalities in Satsumasendai



The purpose of this paper is to suggest a realistic policy to sustain non-city rural communities through a case study of the rural districts in Satsumasendai, Kagoshima Prefecture. Contrary to common belief that not only relatively small-scale countries such as Japan but also small rural communities are out of reach of the center system theory, the novelty of this case study illustrates there is a possibility to deal with centricity in smallscale communities. This point leads us to evolve a center system theory to be able to redefine small community business through the argument about evenly placed small business activities, which are an underlying foundation of the theory. Small community businesses in this case study make the most of regional resources, and play a significant role in maintaining local population to a certain degree. This case study focuses on four rural towns in the eastern part of the municipality of Satsumasendai, namely Hiwaki, Iriki, Kedoin and Tōgō. These towns were chosen because: 1) we can extract specific location regulations or patterns of small-scale business activities, and 2) we can examine the sustainability of depopulating areas from the viewpoint of private goods or services. Usually, it is not easy to foresee the continuation of autonomous management bodies if they do not meet certain economic geography conditions.



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