

  • Self-Evaluation of Educational Competence as Nursing Educators
  • カンゴ キョウイン ト シテ ノ ノウリョク ト ソノ ジコ ヒョウカ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ
  • Self-Evaluation of Educational Competence as Nursing Educators




本研究は、看護教員の教育能力を評価し、今後の看護教員の能力向上の方向性を知ることを目的とした。看護基礎教育機関13校の219人の看護教員を対象に、質問紙調査(教育能力:7要素31 項目)を行った。その結果、1)看護教員が現在大いに発揮している能力は、「倫理観」「人間性」であった。2)看護教員が今後身につけたい能力は、「研究能力」が最も高かった。3)看護教員は、「倫理観」を除き、今後、6つの教育能力(教育実践能力、看護実践能力、研究能力、管理能力、個人の成長、人間性)をさらに向上させたいとしていた。4)大学所属の看護教員は、専門学校・短大所属の看護教員に比べて、教育能力を高く自己評価していた。5)教育経験年数が長くなるほど、現在の教育能力については自己評価が高かった。教育能力全般について、全ての看護教員が能力向上への意欲が高かった。

This study aimed to clarify the competency of nursing educators and to explore a future direction for improving these competencies. Questionnaire surveys were administered to 219 nursing educators at 13 nursing educational institutions, all having consented to participate in the study. The results of the survey are as follows: 1)A significant number of educators regularly demonstrate ethical perspectives and human qualities in their teaching; 2)the most common competency that educators wished to acquire in the future was research competency; 3)regardless of diff erences in the institutions with which they were affi liated, all educators expressed a desire to further improve six competencies, including Educational Practice, Nursing Practice, Administration, Human Quality, Personal Growth(Ethical Values was not included); 4)educators teaching at universities tended to evaluate their competency more favorably than those working at professional schools and junior colleges; and 5)educators with more years of teaching experience had higher self-evaluations of their current educational competency. All nursing educators were enthusiastic about improving their overall educational competence.


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