原発賠償の問題点と分断の拡大 : 復興の不均等性をめぐる一考察

DOI 機関リポジトリ Web Site オープンアクセス


  • ゲンパツ バイショウ ノ モンダイテン ト ブンダン ノ カクダイ : フッコウ ノ フキントウセイ オ メグル イチ コウサツ
  • Problems with Nuclear Damage Compensation and the Expansion of Social Divisions : A Study on the Unevenness of Reconstruction





英文:The purpose of this article is to identify, from the vantage point of compensation for damages from the Fukushima nuclear accident, the unevenness of the reconstruction of areas victimized by the disaster as well as the structures responsible for producing social division among the disaster’s victims. Unevenness here refers specifically to the way in which the results of reconstruction policies manifest unevenly for the region’s communities and victims. In order to prevent the further expansion of social divisions, it is essential to eliminate the disparities in compensation by carefully attending to specific local circumstances, and to respect the diversity of evacuees’ preferences. The paper proceeds as follows. I first provide a general overview of the damages to local communities and individuals stemming from evacuation. Then, based on these basic facts as well as with specific consideration of evacuee compensation, I identify the frameworks through which nuclear damage compensation is conducted and their problematic features. The important point to be emphasized here is that social division among victims has been brought about by disparities in compensation. Accordingly, it is important to consider victim’s own efforts to reduce disparities in compensation and to overcome social divisions. Finally, I am drawing on previous research on the unevenness of reconstruction after the Greater East Japan Earthquake to consider the ways in which unevenness manifests and social divisions are created in the areas affected by the nuclear accident. The national government considers compensation to be a means of rebuilding victims’ daily lives. If daily life rebuilding is seen an essential first step towards reconstruction then it is likely that these steps will achieve continuity. However, continuing to overcome social divisions and linking the rebuilding of evacuee’s daily lives with regional reconstruction is no easy task. This paper provides a preliminary discussion useful for further consideration of such tasks and strategies.




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