スピリチュアル教育の2つの方向性 : 「いのち教育」と「ホスティック教育」に対する考察を通して


  • スピリチュアル キョウイク ノ 2ツ ノ ホウコウセイ : 「 イノチ キョウイク 」 ト 「 ホスティック キョウイク 」 ニ タイスル コウサツ オ トオシテ
  • Two direction in spiritual education



This study attempts to elucidate the characteristics of religiousness in schooling. An aspect of religiousness today, known as "spirituality," has been found to be useful in daily life. "Spirituality" has various meanings depending on the educator's beliefs and, recently, has often been expressed using the expression "I-no-chi" in Japanese school education. In death education ( which is also referred to as "I-no-chi" education) and holistic education, spiritual education is planned to be covered by using the expression "I-no-chi." We can find two different perspectives in spiritual education: the perspective that character education is given using spiritual experiences, and the perspective that the spiritual aspect forms the basis of education as well as of life. In the former perspective, spirituality is a tool or goal in human development, and school education plays the role of religion. Therefore, through the medium of spiritual education, this study considers the notion that education is based on spirituality, and discusses the interaction between learning and religiousness.


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