Generalized-Star Cubeのトポロジー的特性及びそのブロードキャスティングアリゴリズム


  • Topological Properties and Broadcasting Algorithmsof the Generalized-Star Cube




Abstract—In this research, another version of the star cube called the generalized-star cube, GSC(n, k, m), is presented as a three level interconnection topology. GSC(n, k, m) is a product graph of the (n, k)-star graph and the m-dimensional hypercube (m-cube). It can be constructed in one of two ways: to replace each node in an m-cube with an (n, k)-star graph, or to replace each node in an (n, k)-star graph with an m-cube. Because there are three parameters m, n, and k, the network size of GSC(n, k, m) can be changed more flexibly than the star graph, star-cube, and (n, k)-star graph. We first investigate the topological properties of the GSC(n, k, m), such as the node degree, diameter, average distance, and cost. Also, the regularity and node symmetry of the GSC(n, k, m) are derived. Then, we illustrate the broadcasting algorithms for both of the single-port and all-port models. To develop these algorithms, we use the spanning binomial tree, the neighbourhood broadcasting algorithm, and the minimum dominating set. The complexities of the broadcasting algorithms are also examined.


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