プロポリス成分カフェ酸エステル類がガングリオシドGD3 単分子膜に及ぼす影響


  • リン脂質/ガングリオシドG[D]₃混合単分子膜中へのカフェ酸エステル類の分布と作用
  • Effects of Caffeic Acid Esters Isolated from Propolis on Ganglioside GD3 Monolayers
  • リン シシツ/ガングリオシド G[D]₃ コンゴウタンブンシマク チュウ エ ノ カフェサン エステルルイ ノ ブンプ ト サヨウ
  • プロポリス セイブン カフェサン エステルルイ ガ ガングリオシド G[D]₃ タンブンシマク ニ オヨボス エイキョウ




The distribution of benzyl caffeate (BC), cinnamyl caffeate (CC) and phenethyl caffeate (PC) isolated from propolis in ganglioside GD3 (GD3) monolayer as a model of a tumor membrane, and their effects of the caffeic acid esters on the GD3 monolayer were observed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). BC and PC distributed in the GD3 monolayer markedly changed the morphology of the GD3 monolayer from a flat surface to a percolated pattern, whereas CC distributed in the GD3 monolayer exhibited a broken percolation pattern. The effects of BC and PC on the GD3 membrane were similar to those of known antitumor compounds, suggesting that BC and PC may possess antitumor activity. The activity of CC seems to be weaker than that of BC and PC.


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