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  • The Study of Room-Drawings Drawn by Women Who Have the Menstrual Cycle Symptoms : The Qualitative Study of Five Women’s Room Drawings
  • ゲッケイ ズイハン ショウジョウ オ モツ ジョセイ ノ シツナイガ ノ ケントウ : 5メイ ノ シツナイガ ニ タイスル シツテキ ケントウ



本研究では,月経随伴症状をもつ女性5名に室内画と半構造化面接から調査協力者の主体の在り様と月経随伴症状や身体に対する関わり方との関係を検討した。室内画から読み取れる主体の在り様と,症状や身体への関わり方との間に関連が示唆された。室内画を三溝(2006)の分類指標を用いて分析したところ,うち4名が,室内を遠近法的に描いているが,壁同士や天井や床と壁の間の境界線が1本も描かれていないP・0W0B型が,1名で遠近法的な表現で境界線が1本描かれているP・2W1B型が見られた。同じP・0W0B型の室内画でも,「境界線設定の動き」(山森,1999)の有無やその程度が異なることから,主体の在り様も微妙に異なっており,月経随伴症状や身体への関わり方も様々であると考えられた。また,P・2W1B型では症状や身体に, より主体的に関わっていると思われた。以上の事から月経随伴症状をもつ女性の支援においてその主体の在り様を考慮する必要性が示唆された。This study investigated the relation between their subjectivity and how the women who have menstrual cycle symptoms relate to their symptoms and their body by their room-drawings and the semi-structured interviews. It was suggested that the their subjectivity which their drawings show connected with how they relate to their symptoms and body. The room-drawings sorted by the index made by Samizo(2006). Four of them classified into P.0W0B type which is drawn in perspective and has no boundary, and one of them classified into P.2W1B which is drawn in perspective and has one boundary. It was suggested that the four P.0W0B type drawings was different in presence or degree of “signs of an arise of boundary” (Ymamori, 1999) , so the participants subjectivity was also different. Because of these differences, their commitment to their symptoms and their body was defferent. The participants drawing P.2W1B type committed her symptoms and her body more independently. The study suggests that how their subjectivity is should be considered when we support women who have menstrual cycle symptoms.


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