

  • オヤコ カンケイ ノ シンリガクテキ ケンキュウ ダイ1 ホウコク
  • The Psychological Study of the Parent-Child Relationship



(1)親の子供に対する態度と、子供の行動特性との関係を知ろうとした。 / (2)親の態度測定の方法は第I部と大体同様であるが、子供の行動特性の測定に当つてはAmenとTempleの考案した投影法を用い、同法の検討を併せて行つた。 / (3)親の子供への態度は、家庭の社会経済的状況によつて差が見られた。良き階層程民主的である。 / (4)子供の行動特性の測定に於てAmen-Temple法が有効なることが示された。 / (5)親の態度と子供の行動特性との関係の点では、殊に民主的雰囲気が子供の適応性に有効に働くことが暗示せられた。

Part 1 : (1) As a part of the psychological study of parent-child relationships, we studied the attitudes of parents to their children and of children to their parents, the differences between the attitudes of present parents to their children and those of their parents to them in their childhood and the relations of parental attitudes to children's behavi or traits, by interview and questionnaire methods. (according to Radke's study) / (2) As for the parental attitudes, we found followings: fathers were feared more than mothers, and mothers were more nervcus than fathers in the caring. Parents responded that they disciplined their children more democratically than grandparents. Parents in good economic status and high educated were more democratic than those in poor and low educated. / (3) There were some differences between the recognition of parents and children about parent-child relationships. In general, children estimated parental attitudes more badly than parents themselves. / (4) We found some relations between parental attitudes and children's social behavior traits. It seemed that the desirable attitudes of parents were associated with the desirable behavior traits of children. / (5) Comparing with the Radke's results, we found the considerable differences between our study and hers. But it is not clear, if they be due to the cultural differences between in Japan and in U.S.A., a small number of our subjects, or deviated sampling. ……


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