

  • Team approaches by women care managers that are adopted in concert with home-visiting service coordinators and home-visiting nurses, and related factors



本研究では、女性介護支援専門員(以下、CM)によるホームヘルプサービスのコーディネーターや訪問看護職とのチーム活動(以下、TA)の実践とその関連要因を明らかにした。調査対象は、A圏域で無作為抽出したCM500名である。分析対象は欠損値を除く女性CM205名(41.0%)とした。調査は郵送方法とした。分析方法は、「年齢」「家族等への身近な介護経験」「職場外研修」「人的資源との肯定的な関係」を独立変数、「TA」を従属変数とし、共分散構造分析を実施した。結果、モデルの適合度は、χ2(df)= 63.432(27)、GFI=0.938、AGFI=0.896、CFI=0.928、RMSEA=0.081 であった。TAに対し、「職場外研修」が5%、「人的資源との肯定的な関係」が0.1%水準で有意な関連を示した。女性CMのTAを促進するには、職場外研修の受講、利用者や家族、職場内外の良好な関係の必要性が示された。

In this study,we investigated the practice of Team approaches (TA) by Women care managers (CM) that are adopted in concert with home-visiting service coordinators and home-visiting nurses, and clarified the related factors. The study subjects comprised a total of 500 CM randomly sampled from a single district of Japan. After excluding those with missing values, the remaining 205 (41.0%) CM served as the analysis subjects. A questionnaire was sent to them by mail. The independent variables were the age, presence or absence of private care experience, presence or absence of a history of attending off-the-job training in TA(training), and positive interpersonal relationships. The dependent variable was TA. As a result、the χ2、GFI, AGFI, CFI, and RMSEA values were 63.432(27), 0.938, 0.896, 0.928, and 0.081, respectively. TA were significantly correlated with positive interpersonal relationships (p<.001) and training (p<.05). Our findings suggest that, to promote TA of CM, it is necessary for them to have favorable relationships with people in their workplace and as well as service users and their families, training.


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