[原著論文] 自律的学習動機づけに影響を与える要因とPBLテュートリアル教育との関連 -看護大学生の学年間比較による検討-


  • [Articles] Relationship between factors influencing autonomous learning motivation and problem-based learning tutorial education -Consideration by nursing college students’ across grade comparison-
  • 自律的学習動機づけに影響を与える要因とPBLテュートリアル教育との関連 : 看護大学生の学年間比較による検討
  • ジリツテキ ガクシュウドウキズケ ニ エイキョウ オ アタエル ヨウイン ト PBL テュートリアル キョウイク ト ノ カンレン : カンゴ ダイガクセイ ノ ガクネン カン ヒカク ニ ヨル ケントウ





〔Objective〕Using grade-level comparison, this study compared the relationship between students' need for autonomy and friendship motivation, which impacted their motivation for autonomous problem-based learning (PBL)tutorial education. 〔Methods〕 Subjects from grades one to four received PBL tutorial education, at a nursing college for four years.Learning motivation, need for autonomy, friendship motivation, and PBL self-assessment were investigated. The collected data were statistically analyzed based on the grades.〔Results〕 The number of valid respondents was 379(recovery rate 88.8%). Autonomous learning motivation was the highest in the second graders and the lowest in the fourth graders. In the first graders, factors having a positive influence on autonomous learning motivation were “controlled learning motivation”, “self-determination”, and “motivation to autonomous friendship relationship”, whereas those having a negative influence were “motivation for friendship relationship”, and “PBL: interpersonal skills”. The positively influencing factors included “controlled learning motivation” and “PBL: finding of learning task” in the second graders, “motivation for autonomous friendship relationship” and “PBL:integrated learning”, in the third graders, and “controlled learning motivation”, and “PBL: finding of learning task” in the fourth graders. “PBL: self-learning” was not indicated as a factor that influenced “autonomous learning motivation” across all grades.〔Observation〕The factor influencing autonomous learning motivation common to the second and fourth graders was “PBL:finding learning task”, whereas the factor common to the first and third graders was “PBL:integrated learning”. In PBL tutorial education, we will find and solve problems while paying wide attention to related fields and promoting each problem individually. This may be related to an increase in the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction and autonomous learning motivation. In the nursing profession, self-determination, when making decisions (actions, judgments, and choices), is necessary to provide higher quality care. It was shown that PBL tutorial education improved autonomous learning motivation through self-determination.


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