2016年度実施学士課程上級生調査からみる女子学生の教育ニーズ : 調査結果の男女差に基づく検討


  • 2016ネンド ジッシ ガクシ カテイ ジョウキュウセイ チョウサ カラ ミル ジョシ ガクセイ ノ キョウイク ニーズ チョウサ ケッカ ノ ダンジョサ ニ モトズク ケントウ



1. はじめに : 現在でいうところの学士課程段階での男女共学が、日本で最初に実現してから100年が経った。現在では大学進学率そのものの男女差はほぼないと言われているが、専門分野ごとの偏りなどのジェンダーギャップは解消していない。また学生たちが卒業後に働き生活していく社会の中には、多種多様なジェンダーに関わる問題が存在している。……

This study investigates women students' educational needs based on the Osaka City University student survey of sophomore, junior, and senior students in undergraduate programs conducted in 2016. Although OCU is a coeducational university, females might have different educational needs than male students. There seemed no clear difference in the paths that male and female students may take after graduation; however, it could be said that male students in science and engineering courses displayed the tendency to exclude alternative options of joining graduate school. Women students showed stronger will to acquire knowledge, skills, and certification before graduation. They also showed stronger hope to have a chance to talk with people working outside the university. There was no gender difference in the desire to enroll in the education programs offered by university. As for daily learning activities, female students more frequently engaged in discussions on learning contents with their peers, and utilized the information available on the web, while male students more often displayed negative actions, such as tardy arrival and absence. Moreover, female students in humanities and social science courses used the library more frequently than male students, and female students in science and engineering courses more often approached the staff to receive learning support. There was no difference between the two genders with regard to communicating with teachers during learning activities. It could be said that while women students might be well-adapted to university learning, they seem to require the learning opportunities that have different characteristics than the educational programs currently being offered by universities.




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