専門看護師(CNS)教育課程における「看護教育論」に求められる教育内容 ―― 2008年以前に発行された文献から ――


  • Review of teaching contents of nursing education in the CNS curriculum : Literature before 2008
  • センモン カンゴシ(CNS)キョウイク カテイ ニ オケル 「 カンゴ キョウイクロン 」 ニ モトメラレル キョウイク ナイヨウ : 2008ネン イゼン ニ ハッコウ サレタ ブンケン カラ



Purpose: To select the educational content required for “nursing education theory” in the Certified Nurse Specialists (CNS) education curriculum. Method: Reviewed literature published before 2008. Result & Conclusion: Two kinds of educational contents such as excellent care in educating patients and education of nurses are required. In particular 1. Aiming to educate “excellent care in educating patients”, we’ll select educational contents such as “helping patients to make decisions appropriately,” “fitting patients’ comprehension ability”,“creating an environment easy for patients to understand”. 2. Aiming to educate nurses, we’ll select educational contents such as “listening as a casual story of nurses’ troubles, reflecting together and helping nurses’ growth” “meeting nurses’expectation for bringing them latest and excellent nursing skills”.


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