Properties of Rice Growth Cultivated on Paddy Fields Damaged by the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake

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  • 平成28年熊本地震により被災した水田で栽培された水稲の生育特性


The 2016 Kumamoto earthquake caused damages, namely, fissures, upheavals, and subsidence, on the surface of many paddy fields. We conducted investigation to gain knowledge of the rice-growth properties cultivated in these damaged paddy fields. The obtained knowledge can provide useful information for cropping in the damaged paddy field in the following years.A difference in the rice growth in the paddy field with upheaval and subsidence damages was observed. The growth of rice cultivated in areas with subsidence in the paddy fields in Akistu and Mashiki in Japan revealed higher plant length and greater tiller number per hill in a heading time than that of the rice planted in areas with upheaval. With regard to the rice growth in Akistu, the rice yield in areas with subsidence was higher than that in areas with upheaval. Meanwhile, the rice yield in areas with subsidence in Mashiki was lower. The reason for the lower yield in areas with subsidence could be due to the vacant hills. The rice planted in areas with subsidence was submerged in water because of the short plant length during the early stage. The rice under the submerged circumstance could die. Consequently, vacant hills occurred in areas with subsidence. Another possible reason for the vacant hills could be the result of feeding damage caused by Apple snails. Overgrowth of weeds was observed in areas with upheaval in the paddy field in Akistu and Mashiki. A high SPAD value of the flag leaf and a high protein content in rice grain were observed in the rice cultivated in areas with subsidence in Mashiki. This result might be related to the deep water depth and the previous placement of creeks and paddy fields in this area. No visible damage was observed in the paddy field in Aso, Japan. However, the paddy field could not be filled with irrigation water. The rice growth was poor, and rice hills were sparse in this paddy field. We also found a high density of weeds.We need precise water management to prevent death of rice in the hills, control weeds, and control the Apple snails using pesticide to cultivate rice in these damaged paddy fields. Management of nitrogen fertilization is needed to control the protein content in the rice grain. The paddy field in areas where fissure occurred in the ground needs to recover.

平成 28 年熊本地震により,震源地や断層周辺の水田では亀裂が入ったり,水田表面が凹凸となる不陸が生じたりするなどの被害が発生した。熊本市東区秋津地区及び益城町の不陸が発生した水田で栽培された水稲の株当たり生育量は,凹部が凸部に比べて大きかった。その結果,秋津地区の水田では,水稲の収量は凹部で高かった。しかし,益城町の一部の水田では凹部で欠株が多く,収量は低かった。欠株の原因は,移植直後,水深が深く苗が水没して枯死したことによるもの,もしくはスクミリンゴガイの食害によるものと推察された。一方,田面が露出しやすい凸部では多くの場合雑草が繁茂していた。益城町の水田の凹部の水稲の葉色は著しく濃く,玄米タンパク含有率も高かった。凹部は,基盤整備前に配置されていた短冊状のクリークに対応しており,その影響を受けたためと推察された。不陸が生じた水田の凹部では,深水による苗の枯死の回避,およびきめ細かい水管理と薬剤施用によるスクミリンゴガイによる被害回避,凸部においては雑草防除が必要である。また,凹部では玄米タンパク含有率を適切な値にするための肥培管理が必要である。阿蘇市の調査水田では,田面には被害は見られないものの漏水の程度が大きく,著しい生育不良と生育むら,雑草の繁茂が観察された。電気探査によると漏水箇所は畦畔の地下部と推定され,土壌改良材等を用いて漏水箇所とみられる畦畔地下部の修復が必要と考えられた。


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