

  • シュウジュツキ ニ ショウジタ エンルイ ソウシツセイ ジンショウ ニヨル テイナトリウムケッショウ ノ 1レイ
  • A Case of Perioperative Hyponatremia due to Renal Salt Wasting Syndrome.


type:Departmental Bulletin Paper

塩類喪失性腎症(RSWS)は,抗利尿ホルモン分泌異常症(SIADH)の診断基準を満たす低Na血症を生じることがある.だがRSWSの明確な診断基準はなく,しばしば両者は混同されている. 87歳女性が横行結腸癌に対し右半結腸切除術を施行された.術前,術直後には血清Naは正常値であったが,徐々に血清Na値が低下した.尿中Na高値が持続し,術後4日目には血清Naが114mEq/Lとなり意識障害が出現した.SIADHの診断基準を満たす低Na血症であったが,尿中L型脂肪酸結合蛋白(L-FABP)が高値であり,近位尿細管障害によるRSWSが原因と考えられた. 本症例はSIADHとRSWSの鑑別に,身体所見による細胞外液量評価,尿酸排泄率,リン酸排泄率は有用ではなかったが,L-FABPがRSWSの診断,経過観察に有用であった.鑑別困難な低Na血症では,尿細管障害マーカーを測定する必要がある.

Hyponatremia meeting the diagnostic criteria of syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) also develops in renal salt wasting syndrome (RSWS). However, there are no clear diagnostic criteria for RSWS, and SIADH and RSWS are often misdiagnosed as each other. An 87-year-old woman underwent right hemicolectomy for a carcinoma of the transverse colon. The preoperative and postoperative serum Na levels were within the normal range, but the serum Na levels gradually decreased. She continued to have high urine Na levels, with a serum Na level of 114 mEq/L and impaired consciousness on the 4th postoperative day. The hyponatremia met the diagnostic criteria of SIADH, but the urine L-type fatty acid-binding protein (L-FABP) level was high, and the patient was diagnosed with RSWS caused by proximal tubule disorder. In this patient, neither extracellular fluid evaluation by physical observation nor urinary uric acid and phosphoric acid excretion analysis were effective for differentiating between SIADH and RSWS, but the L-FABP level was effective for the diagnosis and follow-up of RSWS. For similar patients, in whom differentiating between SIADH and RSWS is difficult, the markers of tubular disorder should be measured.


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